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External Influences on Cooling Tower Performance

Biblioteca, Libros Blancos
A cooling tower reacts much like a human being to its air supply. If it is caused to reinhale its own exhaust, it begins to smother. If that air supply is restricted, it begins to choke.

Application of Cooling Towers for Free Cooling

Biblioteca, Libros Blancos
Energy costs and operating efficiency have gained considerable importance in the minds of many building owners and plant operators in recent years. Current prospects for future prices of energy resources suggest that these issues will become even more urgent as environmental concerns and the high cost of money exert an ever greater impact on building design and operation.

White Rust and Galvanized Cooling Towers

Biblioteca, Libros Blancos
Factory assembled cooling towers have been manufactured from "heavy mill galvanized" (HMG) steel for many years. HMG steel is continuously hot dip coated with protective zinc at the steel processing mill. The steel is treated subsequent to coating with a chromate rinse to initially passivate the zinc surface, providing for protection during storage, fabrication and initial operation from "wet storage stain".

Service Information – Disposal of Treated Wood

Biblioteca, Libros Blancos
The disposal of waste wood from new tower construction, tower reconstruction or demolition may be a regulated activity, depending on the nature of the wood involved and the circumstances of disposal.

Selection of Corrosion Resistant Materials for Cooling Towers

Biblioteca, Libros Blancos
Evaporative cooling towers expose materials to a uniquely difficult environment where corrosion poses exceptional challenges. Every cooling tower must endure the combined corrosive effects of uncertain water chemistry, high temperatures, constant saturation and continuous natural aeration. In addition, many cooling towers must also contend with potentially harmful agents in their circulating water as well as a variety of airborne pollutants such as sulfur oxides and acid rain.

Información de servicio: eliminadores de deriva (un giro para mejorar)

Biblioteca, Libros Blancos
En una torre de enfriamiento de flujo cruzado, el aire ingresa a la torre horizontalmente y debe girar hacia la vertical antes de poder salir a través de la pila de ventiladores. Algunos fabricantes de eliminadores de gotas pasan por alto este hecho y no incluyen paletas giratorias en sus eliminadores de gotas celulares.