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Biblioteca: Brochure

Marley MD Everest

Brochure, Biblioteca
When SPX Cooling Technologies engineers began their quest to design a new counterflow cooling tower, they were challenged to reach new heights in cooling performance. Equally important was their mission to create a solution that would greatly simplify and speed factory fabrication, delivery and field assembly. The result is the Marley® MD Everest,™ a cooling tower that has unparalleled customer advantages.

ABH Basin Heater Controls Engineering Data and Specifications

Brochure, Biblioteca
The Marley ABH basin heater package controls the ON and OFF operation of the basin heater device providing freeze protection in the cold water collection basin of a cooling tower. The stand-alone control package includes a main circuit breaker disconnect that feeds a contactor providing power for the heater element or steam solenoid valve.

NC20 Riempimento a spruzzi in controcorrente

Brochure, Biblioteca
Il riempimento antispruzzo resistente agli intasamenti NC20 è costituito da fogli di polipropilene assemblati meccanicamente senza l'uso di adesivi per formare blocchi di mezzi di raffreddamento.

Brochure sul raffreddatore di fluido DT

Brochure, Biblioteca
Il raffreddatore di fluidi Marley DT è un raffreddatore di fluidi in controcorrente a tiraggio indotto. Il suo design a circuito chiuso mantiene il fluido di processo in un circuito chiuso e pulito. Inoltre, offre una maggiore flessibilità di funzionamento a secco rispetto ai raffreddatori ibridi riempimento/serpentina.

Fan Motor Overamping

Brochure, Biblioteca
Overamping occurs when the amperage drawn by the fan motor exceeds the fan motor nameplate amperage. In other words, more horsepower is required than the recommended maximum for the motor.

Cooling Tower Approach

Brochure, Biblioteca
The simplest function of a cooling tower is to cool water to a desired temperature. For evaporative processes, the difference between the cold water temperature and entering wet bulb temperatures is the approach.

Cooling Tower Range

Brochure, Biblioteca
The range is determined by the water flow rate and heat load at the exchanger in the process. The cooling tower is neither a heat sink nor heat source and thus the heat load is always constant.