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Marley Round Hybrid Plume Abatement

Natural Draft Cooling Tower

Marca: Marley | Tipologia di prodotto: Torre di raffreddamento
Marley Round Hybrid Plume Abatement 1
Marley Round Hybrid Plume Abatement 2
Marley Round Hybrid Plume Abatement 3

Dettagli del prodotto:

 Disponibilità: In tutto il mondo
 Intervallo GPM: 3000- 500000
Cos'è una torre di raffreddamento?

Circular hybrid cooling towers are the ideal solution for cooling of higher water flow rates con pennacchio visibile ridotto.

SPX Cooling Technologies has extensive experience designing and constructing circular hybrid cooling towers. Efficient wet cooling cold water temperatures are achieved with reduced visible plume similar to dry cooling systems. The special advantages of a round cooling tower is the elimination of recirculation effects, the reduction of operating costs plus the combination of hybrid cooling with higher water flow rates.

Principle of Round Hybrid Cooling Towers
Una torre di raffreddamento ibrida funziona in linea di principio come una torre di raffreddamento a umido. Una sezione secca aggiuntiva installata nella parte superiore della torre di raffreddamento riduce il pennacchio visibile riscaldando l'aria umida proveniente dalla zona piovosa.

The fans for the wet section are arranged around the circumference of the cooling tower shell at ground level. At the dry section the fans are located above the wet level in front of the heat exchangers. The hyperbolic shell achieves a natural draft effect which supports the fans of both sections. Therefore the power consumption is reduced.

Eliminazione degli effetti di ricircolo
For cell-type cooling towers the recirculation effect needs to be considered with regard to the thermal performance as well as to the plume-free operation. As the plume of the round cooling tower is conducted by the higher shell, the recirculation effect is eliminated.

Riduzione dei costi operativi
Poiché l'effetto del tiraggio naturale supporta le ventole, il consumo energetico è ridotto. I costi operativi notevolmente inferiori si ottengono soprattutto con l'applicazione di motori a due velocità.

Applicazione dell'acqua salata
The higher rise of the plume results in a wider dispersion. That means for seawater application the salt particles are also better distributed in the air and the resulting salt concentration on the ground is considerably reduced. SPX has special experience with the component design and the selection of materials suitable for saltwater application.

Requisiti di spazio
The recirculation effect need not to be taken into account for circular cooling towers therefore the space requirements are reduced. Also the circular shape is more favorable in comparison to cooling tower cells located in defined distances.

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