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Risultati di ricerca: "results/search&keywords=mhf/P10/page/2/" | 60 results

Operating Cooling Towers in Freezing Weather

Biblioteca, Libri bianchi
A properly designed cooling tower promotes the maximum possible contact between air and water—and does so for the maximum possible time period. This effort on the part of the designer results in an efficiency which, although greatly appreciated in the summertime, has the capability to produce performance-degrading ice formations during winter operation.

Pump Flow vs. Gravity Flow

Biblioteca, Documenti tecnici
Is the cooling tower operating on pump flow or gravity flow? This question is often misunderstood and sometimes results in hydraulic or scope issues that could have been easily avoided.

Marley Insight – Processo di sicurezza

Biblioteca, Libri bianchi
Marley è impegnata nella sicurezza delle costruzioni e i nostri risultati lo dimostrano. Una migliore sicurezza significa anche un completamento più rapido del progetto e minori costi di installazione per i clienti.