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Marley FC18 Film Fill

Brochures, Bibliothèque
The Marley FC18 clog-resistant film fill is constructed of fire-retardant PVC sheets bonded to form blocks of cooling media. The microstructure on the surface of the sheets increases the cooling area and aids the cooling process.

Marley MBX EZ Pack Film Fill

Brochures, Bibliothèque
Marley MBX EZ Pack fill is a high performing, bottom-supported, two-piece PVC pack fill with integral louvers and drift eliminators, specifically designed for fill replacement projects.

Étude de cas sur les réducteurs de la série M – Buck Station

Brochures, Bibliothèque
To decrease existing vibration issues, the M1713 Marley Geareducer gearbox was selected as a simple, drop-in replacement for the existing Amarillo 1713. Installation of new Marley Geareducer gearbox was uncomplicated and provided the customer with a cost-effective and reliable solution.