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Bibliothèque: Papiers blanc

Ligne directrice ASHRAE 12-2000 Légionellose

Bibliothèque, livres blancs
Minimizing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems. Posted with permission from ASHRAE ©2000. This document may not be copied nor distributed in either paper or digital form without ASHRAE’s permission. Contact ASHRAE at www.ashrae.org.

Faire fonctionner des tours de refroidissement par temps glacial

Bibliothèque, livres blancs
A properly designed cooling tower promotes the maximum possible contact between air and water—and does so for the maximum possible time period. This effort on the part of the designer results in an efficiency which, although greatly appreciated in the summertime, has the capability to produce performance-degrading ice formations during winter operation.

Influences externes sur les performances des tours de refroidissement

Bibliothèque, livres blancs
Une tour de refroidissement réagit un peu comme un être humain à son alimentation en air. S’il est amené à réinhaler ses propres gaz d’échappement, il commence à s’étouffer. Si cette alimentation en air est restreinte, elle commence à s'étouffer.

Application des tours de refroidissement pour le refroidissement gratuit

Bibliothèque, livres blancs
Energy costs and operating efficiency have gained considerable importance in the minds of many building owners and plant operators in recent years. Current prospects for future prices of energy resources suggest that these issues will become even more urgent as environmental concerns and the high cost of money exert an ever greater impact on building design and operation.

Tours de refroidissement à rouille blanche et galvanisées

Bibliothèque, livres blancs
Factory assembled cooling towers have been manufactured from "heavy mill galvanized" (HMG) steel for many years. HMG steel is continuously hot dip coated with protective zinc at the steel processing mill. The steel is treated subsequent to coating with a chromate rinse to initially passivate the zinc surface, providing for protection during storage, fabrication and initial operation from "wet storage stain".