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Marley Round Draft forzato

Torre di raffreddamento a tiraggio forzato

Marca: Marley | Tipologia di prodotto: Torre di raffreddamento
Marley Round Forced Draft 1
Marley Round Forced Draft 2
Marley Round Forced Draft 3

Dettagli del prodotto:

 Disponibilità: In tutto il mondo
 Intervallo GPM: 1200- 250000
Cos'è una torre di raffreddamento?

Round forced draft cooling towers are ideal to process larger cooling water flows.

Reduced power consumption, favorable space requirements, minimized recirculation effects, optimum operational behavior for salt water application and the aesthetic look are only some advantages of round cooling towers with forced draft fans.

Principle of Circular Cooling Towers with Forced Draft Fans
The hyperbolic shell achieves a natural draft effect which supports the fans arranged around the circumference of the cooling tower shell. Therefore the power consumption of the fans is reduced. The cooling tower is separated in different sections, which can be isolated, to ensure operation with lower water quantities. Also maintenance activities can be accomplished in shut-off sections while the rest of the cooling tower is still in operation.

Reduction of Operating Costs
As the natural draft effect supports the fans the power consumption is reduced. Considerably lower operating costs are achieved especially by the application of two-speed motors.

Elimination of the Recirculation Effects
The plume is conducted by the higher shell, therefore the recirculation effect is eliminated. In contrary to the cell-type cooling towers where the risk of the plume falling on the ground and being drawn into the cooling tower must be considered.

Salt Water Application
The higher rise of the plume results in a wider dispersion. That means for seawater application the salt particles are also better distributed in the air and the resulting salt concentration on the ground is considerably reduced.

Space Requirements
The recirculation effect needs not to be taken into account for circular cooling towers therefore the space requirements are reduced. Also the circular shape is more favorable in comparison to cooling tower rows located in defined distances.

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Vantaggi della registrazione del prodotto SPX:

SEI GARANTITO! L'installazione del prodotto è verificata e la garanzia è attivata.
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SEI INCLUSO! Riceverai inviti a programmi ed eventi educativi esclusivi, inclusi seminari sulla manutenzione delle torri School of Cool®.
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