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800 級機械通風冷卻水塔

The Marley Class 800 counterflow concrete cooling tower has proven itself as one of the most efficient and reliable cast-in-place designs in the world. The introduction of the Precast 800 version is a logical design evolution taking advantage of increasingly available quality precast production facilities.


Today's Aquatower may be the most space/energy efficient cooling tower available. Thousands of Aquatower users enjoy the benefits of eight major redesigns and dozens of minor improvements in the past 65 years. The Marley Aquatower has inspired many imitators. Only SPX Cooling Technologies can offer you the original.

馬利 AV 系列冷卻水塔

The Marley AV Series cooling tower is designed to minimize your costs and maximize your cooling performance through quick, easy installation and energy-efficient operation. Its single flow, induced draft crossflow design offers you pump and fan energy savings in a small footprint installation. The AV is an excellent replacement for forced draft counterflow cooling tower installations.


Marley 風冷熱交換器能夠滿足化學、石油和天然氣、製程和發電應用中傳熱過程的嚴格要求。

馬利 NC 冷卻水塔維護通道

It is important to provide for safe, easy maintenance access, both to insure operator safety and to maximize the service life of the equipment. These maintenance accessories are intended to make your NC tower easier to operate, inspect, and maintain.

Marley NC 冷卻水塔護欄系統

The new guardrail system for NC towers offers faster assembly and easier maintenance. A significant reduction in parts and new, clear instructions ensure that your guardrails are assembled accurately and securely.

Products and Services

An overview of the applications for which we provide, including HVAC, refrigeration, industrial, chemical processing, refining, and power generation. Also, this brochure includes a high-level overview of parts and accessories.


Marley Class 600 是現場安裝的噴濺冷卻水塔。 600 級冷卻水塔有各種單元尺寸、填充空氣行程和填充高度。在每個電池計劃中,基本設計的幾個方面都可以變化,以實現最佳的營運經濟性。結構選項有玻璃纖維和壓力處理木材。

SPX 奧拉西製造工廠

如今,SPX Olathe 工廠佔地 20 英畝,佔地 25 萬平方英尺,實行三班制,以持續滿足客戶需求。目前的生產能力包括冷卻水塔、閉式冷卻水塔、結構不銹鋼和碳鋼焊接以及 PVC 薄膜填充、消除器和擠壓飛濺填充。


冷卻水塔基礎知識致力於實施水冷卻系統,以良好的工程和負責任的成本滿足設計和環境要求。 (註:文件較大,請耐心下載)