Recold MC 蒸發式冷凝器


品牌: 重冷 |產品類別: 蒸發式冷凝器

Recold MC Evap Condenser 1
Recold MC Evap Condenser 2
Recold MC Evap Condenser 3


 可用性: 北美洲
熱容量: 750 – 5100 MBH
Multiple fans per cell

The Recold MC is an induced draft, axial fan design with a 減輕重量、防腐蝕的銅線圈 全部在一個 low height configuration.
This Evaporative Condenser is a ruggedly built unit constructed to provide many years of durable, dependable service with minimal maintenance requirements. Quality materials and workmanship are a key factor in meeting this objective. All units are completely factory assembled and tested to ensure a quick and easy installation with no startup problems. By using the superior characteristics of copper, The MC Evaporative Condenser becomes the most cost-effective solution to commercial freon condensing projects.

Recold’s MC Evaporative Condenser utilizes the efficiency of evaporative cooling, along with the superior corrosion and heat transfer characteristics of copper to efficiently condense a given refrigerant from a hot gas into a cool liquid. Hot refrigerant vapor travels through the inside of the copper coil as cold water is sprayed over the exterior of the coil. Fresh air is pulled up over the exterior of the coil while cold water is sprayed down over the coil in an efficient countflow arrangement. Heat from the refrigerant is transferred to the spray water causing the refrigerant condenses from a gas to a liquid. Heat from the spray water is discharged through the atmosphere through evaporation of the spray water.

Recold 的銅線圈以實惠的價格提供卓越的耐腐蝕性能。在製造過程中,銅線圈表面迅速形成屏障,免受溫暖、潮濕環境的腐蝕。其他製造商使用更重且更容易腐蝕的材料。銅捲比同類鍍鋅鋼捲輕 30% 至 40%。

Recold 的 5/8 英吋直徑管與銅的高導熱特性相結合,可提供比厚壁鍍鋅鋼更好的傳熱性能。如果線圈損壞,可以使用 Recold 的可選外部接頭輕鬆修復銅線圈,而鍍鋅鋼線圈幾乎無法修復。

Coil tube bundle is constructed of 5/8 inch O.D. copper tubing with stainless steel tube sheets and copper headers. The copper construction offers a noncorrosive coil for extended service life. The high quality virgin copper tube conforms with the highests standards in quality control to guard against pitting and defects.

Recold M 系列使用不銹鋼收集盆作為所有型號的標準。所有暴露於循環水的收集盆部件,包括伸入盆內的結構構件,加上連接硬件,所有盆選項均採用大規格 300 系列不銹鋼。塔架結構、外殼和機械支撐的平衡部分由重型鍍鋅鋼製成。該裝置設計用於在任何投影區域和船舶上承受 30 psf 的風壓。


Recold 的補水由實心黃銅浮閥提供,浮球臂和浮球安裝在水池內。這樣可以實現穩定、無故障的運行,輕鬆觀察水位運行情況並在設備運行時維護閥門。補給閥位於溢流連接上方,因此不需要回流防止器。


作為標準配備的風扇馬達符合新的政府 EPACT 效率標準,並且是適合戶外使用的開放式防滴型。馬達的服務係數為 1.15,安裝在易於操作的重型可調式底座上。作為標準配置,裝置使用適合戶外使用的節能 NEMA 框架 ODP 風扇馬達。

所有移動部件均採用 OSHA 批准的鍍鋅鋼絲網進行保護。每個防護罩均可輕鬆拆除,以便檢修風扇。

除水器由 PVC 組件製成,部分可拆卸且易於操作。每個部分均採用三斷口設計,可實現氣流的三種變化,深度約為 5 英寸。使用耐用的 PVC 消除了與鍍鋅消除器相關的腐蝕問題。

萬一循環幫浦故障,蒸發冷凝器容量會驟降至設計容量的 10-20% 之間。 Recold 開發了一種可選的緊急離散噴霧系統,可自動從標準噴霧系統切換到緊急系統,在設計條件下提供約 85-90% 的容量,同時維修/更換泵浦。

Recold can accommodate control systems ranging in sophizistaction from standard fan starts and disconnects to Programmable Logic Controllers that work in conjunction with your building or process system. Control options such as variable speed drives provides the ultimate in temperature control, energy management, sound control and mechanical equipment longevity. Solid State water level controls monitor basin water level with solenoid-valve water makeup. Configurations include makeup along with high and low water level alarm and cutoff and electric basin heater cutoff. Consult your local representative for Recolds extensive array of controls.
