
In this article, originally published in the First Energy Generation Online newsletter, read how the SPX Cooling reconstruction team helped First Energy extend cooling tower life at Fort Martin Power Station....
英國雜誌 ACR News 發表了我們的問答文章,調查工程師和設計專家,解釋了冷卻水塔如何為成功的 LEED 專案和其他永續發展舉措做出貢獻...
SPX 的 Robert Swafford 和 Digitrol 的 David McDaniel 概述了預防性維護的重要性並提供了冷卻水塔檢查技巧。 https://www.manufacturing.net/article/2018/10/maintain-cooling-towers-minimize-equipment-or-component-failure
Belt Drive, Gear Drive or Direct Drive? Jerome Jennings discusses first cost versus operating costs in Power Transmission Engineering. Cooling Tower Components: Pros and...
Mark Pfeifer authored this article in Process Cooling magazine recommending practices for operating cooling towers in frigid temperatures. http://digitaladmin.bnpmedia.com/publication/?m=&l=1&i=518755&p=30&ver=html5
MCAA Smart Solutions recognizes that careful collaboration between SPX Cooling, Herman Goldner (mechanical contractor), Dyna-Tech Corporation (rep firm), Erickson Inc. (helicopter) and others made for a successful cooling tower installation in a high-traffic area....

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In Chiller and Cooling Best Practices, Glenn Brenneke outlines ways SPX Cooling uses customer feedback and its industry network to identify new product opportunities....
Many oil and gas refineries and other process cooling facilities use cooling towers that are approaching the end of their service life. Our article in Oil & Gas Product News helps you explore options to determine the most suitable cooling solution....