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By specifying a new Marley® MH Element™ Fluid Cooler from SPX Cooling Tech, LLC, Letsos Company provided a more efficient, more sustainable alternative to repairing the deteriorating existing cooler of an historic Houston building while maintaining a similar...
Global populations are dependent on cooling and refrigeration to support many types of manufacturing and energy production processes. Evaporative cooling has been a transformative technology, enabling innovative mass production, and is substantially more energy...
A new Central Heat and Refrigeration Plant (CHRP) at MDW provides more efficient comfort cooling to the passenger airport experience while operating with more efficient equipment, including Marley® NC Everest® Cooling Towers. The goal was to maintain the plant’s...
A Q&A session with engineers and cooling tower experts inside and outside SPX Cooling Technologies uncovers how cooling towers contribute to successful LEED projects and other sustainability initiatives. LEED Q&A: Evaporative Cooling Strategies for Energy and...

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SPX Cooling Technologies 对工程师和冷却塔专家进行了调查,以了解蒸发冷却解决方案如何为 LEED 和可持续发展计划做出贡献。https://meconstructionnews.com/43324/43324

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Cooling towers can use several power transmission technologies, for example, gear drives, belt drives, direct drives, or electronically commutated (EC) drives. The proper selection strikes an appropriate balance of initial cost versus operating costs....

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Jerome Jennings 在《工艺冷却》杂志上概述了常见的痛点和齿轮传动解决方案,帮助缓解维护和服务问题。https://www.process-cooling.com/articles/89749-cooling-tower-gearbox-tips