
在這篇最初發表在 First Energy Generation Online 時事通訊中的文章中,了解 SPX 冷卻重建團隊如何幫助 First Energy 延長馬丁堡發電廠冷卻水塔的使用壽命...
英國雜誌 ACR News 發表了我們的問答文章,調查工程師和設計專家,解釋了冷卻水塔如何為成功的 LEED 專案和其他永續發展舉措做出貢獻...
SPX 的 Robert Swafford 和 Digitrol 的 David McDaniel 概述了預防性維護的重要性並提供了冷卻水塔檢查技巧。 https://www.manufacturing.net/article/2018/10/maintain-cooling-towers-minimize-equipment-or-component-failure
Belt Drive, Gear Drive or Direct Drive? Jerome Jennings discusses first cost versus operating costs in Power Transmission Engineering. Cooling Tower Components: Pros and...
Mark Pfeifer authored this article in Process Cooling magazine recommending practices for operating cooling towers in frigid temperatures. http://digitaladmin.bnpmedia.com/publication/?m=&l=1&i=518755&p=30&ver=html5
MCAA Smart Solutions recognizes that careful collaboration between SPX Cooling, Herman Goldner (mechanical contractor), Dyna-Tech Corporation (rep firm), Erickson Inc. (helicopter) and others made for a successful cooling tower installation in a high-traffic area....

新聞 |發表文章

在冰水機和冷卻最佳實踐中,Glenn Brenneke 概述了 SPX Cooling 使用客戶反饋及其行業網絡來識別新產品機會的方式...