

品牌: 馬利 |產品類別: 冷卻水塔零件
Marley Direct Drive


  適用於大多數 Marley NC 塔

Proof In Performance
Direct drive permanent magnet motors are available on most Marley NC Cooling Towers. The permanent magnet motor directly drives the fan, eliminating a number of components, including the gear drive, driveshaft, pillow block bearings and couplings, and associated installation and alignment costs.
Since 2011, SPX Cooling Technologies has offered permanent magnet motors to meet cooling tower customers’ direct drives requirements. Direct drives eliminate the need for Geareducers, couplings, or belt drive systems because the motor shaft connects directly to the fan drive shaft.


  • 維護需求大大減少。直接驅動馬達只需偶爾潤滑,與大型冷卻水塔的齒輪驅動相比,每年可節省 $1,000 的成本。
  • 消除聯軸器和變速箱意味著需要校準和維護的零件更少。
  • Overall efficiency is improved. When gear or belt losses are taken into account, the permanent magnet motor can provide 1-3% efficiency gains. On larger systems this can total up to $1,400 a year in energy savings.


  • 操作需要 VFD。永磁馬達不允許跨線啟動,必須透過 VFD 運作。這也是必要的,因為軸不能向後旋轉(不運行時自然氣流可能會導致這種情況),VFD 有助於防止這種情況發生。
  • 由於無法進行 VFD 旁路,因此冗餘能力會降低。
  • 永磁馬達比標準馬達重得多。安裝和拆卸馬達時需要採取額外的預防措施和步驟。
  • 直接驅動系統的購買價格比標準馬達和配件高得多。計算投資報酬率時必須考慮到這一點。
  • If the motor height is taller than the gear drive it is replacing, the fan may need to be pitched in the field, or shipped separately and field-installed.