Marley ClearSky
Cooling Tower Plume Abatement
Plume from a cooling tower can pose several issues. It may affect visibility 和 safety as well as public perception. Plume abatement is the process of removing this visible plume.
ClearSky is a fully integrated system that operates more reliably than coil-based systems. By using a series of PVC heat exchanger modules in the tower plenum, ambient air condenses much of the moisture before it exits the tower thereby reducing the plume.
Less piping means less investment than conventional systems
Greater Design Flexibility
Back-to-back design allows for easy installation, including retrofits
Reduced Maintenance Costs
Unique patented design and materials means less need for maintenance
Reduced Auxiliary Power Usage
Driven by reduced pump head, ClearSky towers can effectively reduce auxiliary power usage when compared to coil type hybrid towers
Improved Permitting
Smoother process with reduced likelihood of interruption due to public comment
Lower Cost Versus Dry
The high-performance operation you need with fewer costs
Utilizes less energy and has lower carbon footprint, than dry systems
Improved safety for surrounding transportation and improved neighbor relations
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