可用性: APAC(亚洲/太平洋)
热容量: 100-823 tons
Low-speed cooling tower airfoil fans
Quality Construction
Marley CR cooling towers come equipped with components delivering superior performance, including Marley low speed airfoil fan, patented MC120 film fill and XCEL drift eliminators, and specially designed motor and belt drive system. Each component was selected by Marley engineers to meet our high expectations of delivering market leading products.
Designed for Efficiency
Marley XCEL drift eliminators and their unique triple pass PVC design offer high water collection efficiency and low air resistance. Drift loss rates below 0.001% aid in the conservation of water resources and helps prevent bacterial spread.
Marley’s high-strength airfoil fans operate at low speed ensuring low sound operation. The specially designed motor and optimized belt drive system effectively control the mechanical noise. Additional high-quality silencing materials assist in keeping water sound to a minimum.
- Tower-top safety fence
- Ladder cage
- Outdoor control box
A variety of materials can be selected to give the tower characteristics of ultra-violet (UV) light resistance, corrosion resistance and longevity. Options include:
- Fiberglass tower with galvanized steel structure
- Fiberglass tower with stainless steel structure
- All galvanized tower
- Stainless steel tower with galvanized steel structure
- All stainless steel tower
Contact your representative to learn about more options for the Marley CR cooling tower.
The Marley CR Counterflow cooling tower can provide you with more
consistent quality, reliable performance, competitive pricing and superior service.
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