可用性: APAC(亚洲/太平洋)
加仑/分钟范围: 440- 1369
获得 CTI 认证
121-788 tons per cell
Non-corrosive fiberglass
Certified low sound fans standard on all models
The Marley NX is a fiberglass cooling tower designed specifically for expanding markets and optimized for smaller tonnage applications.
Air Movement Package
- High-Efficiency Fan strong aluminum alloy with adjustable-pitch blades and specialized TEAO motor
- Fan Guard welded heavy-gauge rods, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication
- Eased Inlet Fan Cylinder assures full-area, low- turbulent airflow through cylinder
- Durable Bearing Housing cast housing assures proper shaft alignment and minimizes belt slippage
Water Distribution System
- Marley MX Thermoformed PVC Film Fill designed to keep circulating water confined to fill area, maximize water contact with airflow, and minimize icing conditions
- High Performance Marley Spiral-Target Nozzles durable polypropylene design for easy maintenance and reduced clogging
- Simplified Flangeless Inlet a universal custom-fit piping outlet for easier adaptation to any pipe standard
- Gravity-Flow Distribution allows for easy, nonrestrictive maintenance while operating
- Quality Materials utilizes FRP and hot-dip galvanized steel frame for added strength and fiberglass panels for superior corrosion resistance
- Crossflow Configuration makes maintenance simpler and safer than other designs
- 大型检修门 allows safer, non-confining and more efficient visual inspections of cold water basin, internal structure, drift eliminators and mechanical equipment in the plenum area
- Field Assembled simplifies transportation to job sites
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