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Marley Cooling Tower Advanced Basin Heater (ABH)

馬利冷卻水塔高級盆式加熱器 (ABH)

Video Library
Marley ABH(高級水盆加熱器)控制面板控製冷水盆加熱器的開/關操作,並防止在寒冷環境中結冰。觀看 Marley 專家討論 Marley 高級水盆加熱器冷卻水塔控制面板的功能、優點和操作。

ABH Basin Heater Controls Engineering Data and Specifications

The Marley ABH basin heater package controls the ON and OFF operation of the basin heater device providing freeze protection in the cold water collection basin of a cooling tower. The stand-alone control package includes a main circuit breaker disconnect that feeds a contactor providing power for the heater element or steam solenoid valve.


The space heater keeps the internal temperature of the motor above the ambient dew point while the motor is OFF. The heater helps to prevent condensation from forming inside the motor which can be damaging to motor windings, bearings and electrical connections.

ABH Basin Heater User Manual

The Marley ABH basin heater package controls the ON and OFF operation of the basin heater device providing freeze protection in the cold water collection basin of a cooling tower.


Marley ABHi 整合式水盆加熱器套件控制水盆加熱器設備的開啟和關閉操作,為冷卻水塔的冷水收集盆提供防凍保護。