XCEL TU 漂移消除器


品牌: 馬利 |產品類別: 冷卻水塔零件
XCEL TU Drift Eliminator


Marley developed the first cellular drift eliminator in the 1970s when eliminator designs were primarily ineffective blade type configurations.

Marley patented the XCEL generation of eliminators in the early 80s. No other eliminator could come close to XCEL eliminator’s low drift rate and low pressure drop.

Proof In Performance
  Cellular design
  Very low drift rates
  Counterflow and crossflow designs

Today, virtually every eliminator is a nesting cellular PVC type design. XCEL is a more advanced design that meets or exceeds today’s demanding specifications for drift emissions without sacrificing fan horsepower. Now drift rates are reduced to half of the original XCEL with equivalent pressure drop.

The eliminator discharge angle is important enough to warrant two separate eliminator designs—one for crossflow and one for counterflow towers. Tests show the air direction leaving the eliminator is extremely important—imperfect designs create additional work for the fan.

This means either increased fan horsepower—or reduced cooling tower performance. The crossflow version features drainage slots within the eliminator pack to insure trapped drift is returned to the wet side of the cooling tower.

Low drift rate is the primary goal of eliminator design. Low drift rates are the primary goal of eliminator designs with XCEL yielding typical drift rates of .0005% of the total gpm. Lower drift rates may be achievable depending upon tower configuration.

XCEL eliminators require little or no maintenance. If it becomes necessary to clean them, care must be taken not to physically damage the PVC eliminator packs. For loose deposits of silt, fibers, etc., a water spray can be used, provided the spray nozzle is kept moving continually and the water pressure is not excessive (recommend less than 30 psi).

正品馬利 OEM 零件經過精密設計,可為您提供可靠的產品。雖然其他供應商可能會以最初的優惠價格提供零件,但您可能會面臨性能下降的風險,並失去 FM 和 CTI 評級。馬利 OEM 零件具有值得您信賴的耐用性,因為我們專門為冷卻水塔設計和製造這些零件。

由於工廠運作依賴冷卻水塔性能,因此選擇最高品質的零件(Marley OEM 零件)非常重要。
