堪薩斯州歐弗蘭帕克SPX 冷卻技術, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers and air-cooled heat exchangers, announces the SGS PC Series Industrial Evaporator, an airside product for industrial refrigeration. SGS Refrigeration, Inc. was acquired by SPX Cooling Technologies in 2019.

The PC Series Evaporator supports large freezers/coolers for penthouse and carcass chilling. The extensive product line offers over 100 models from 1.5-70 tons with various fan discharge arrangements. Coils are efficiently designed with type 304L stainless steel tubes, ¾-inch OD staggered in the direction of air flow. Turbo spacers located between aluminum tubes provide nominal three, four or six fins per inch spacing and improves fin efficiency. For maximum efficiency, each coil is tailor made for its intended application.

Each PC Series Evaporator features housings manufactured with mill galvanized steel for maximum strength, a high-efficiency fan with non-overloading performance, heavy-duty motors, and corrosion-resistant drain pans for long life. Optional features include low-sound fans, long throw adaptors, EC fan motor combinations, full-coverage pans (fan guards), and penthouse arrangement options.

Designed for a broad range of refrigerant feeds, SGS Industrial Evaporators are available in multiple tube and fin combinations, as well as multiple fan/motor configurations to meet application requirements. Custom designs to meet unique demands are also available.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 /industrial-evaporators/sgs-pc-series-product-cooler/.

關於 SPX 冷卻技術公司:

SPX 冷卻技術公司是全球領先的冷卻水塔、蒸發式流體冷卻器、蒸發式冷凝器、工業蒸發器和風冷熱交換器製造商,為暖氣、通風和空調(HVAC) 提供全方位冷卻解決方案、組件和技術支援)、冷凍、工業和製程冷卻應用已有近一個世紀的歷史。 SPX 冷卻技術及其產品品牌隸屬於 SPX 公司。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.spxcooling.com.

關於 SPX 公司:

SPX 公司是一家高度工程化產品和技術的供應商,在 HVAC、檢測和測量以及工程解決方案市場中佔據領導地位。 SPX 公司總部位於北卡羅來納州夏洛特,2018 年年收入約為 $14 億美元,在 17 個國家/地區擁有約 4,000 名員工。 SPX Corporation 在紐約證券交易所上市,股票代號為「SPXC」。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.spx.com.
