How FM APPROVED Cooling Towers Help Reduce Risks

FM 核准的冷卻水塔如何協助降低風險

When water flow is temporarily suspended, as in the event of a fire, some cooling towers that contain combustible materials and dry areas may be at risk. Some organizations practice loss prevention by considering an FM APPROVED cooling tower to potentially reduce...
Cooling Solutions for Chemical Process Plants


Heavy industrial applications such as manufacturing, chemical processing and oil-and-gas refining use cooling towers and other equipment to cool the water integral to their operations. As environmental regulations and challenging market conditions place higher demands...
Cooling Tower Gearboxes Have Evolved To Address Customer Requirements


Gearboxes are used as speed reducers to slow rotational speed from the incoming motor to the outgoing fan of a cooling tower. Industries that require process heat rejection often use field-erected cooling towers to keep pace with their heat load. Cooling towers have...