SPX News Center

Adiabatic coolers are becoming more common in the HVACR marketplace. Multiple designs are employed within the industry using different water system methodologies, the details of which can significantly impact the performance and maintenance requirements for the heat rejection equipment. This Cooling Technology Institute (CTI) paper analyzes some of the pros and cons of the different […]


When it comes to heat rejection in mechanical systems, evaporative cooling towers (or water-cooled solutions) use less power than air-cooled options, making them more energy-efficient.

冷却塔作为高效数据中心冷却系统的一部分,可节省水和能源 新闻

The number of data centers in the United States continues to grow in response to the enormous amount of digital information stored and streamed. The massive computer power within these data centers generates heat, making efficient cooling a key building system requirement. Evaporative cooling towers are an integral part of many data center cooling systems. […]


Extend tower lifespan by restoring thermal performance and structural integrity


The next generation of factory-assembled cooling towers can be delivered up to 60 percent faster than field-erected towers and installed 80 percent faster. Recent developments in factory-assembled cooling tower technology are increasing the applications for so-called “package” towers supporting HVAC and industrial processes. Although field-erected towers have been preferred for power plants and industrial processes, today well-designed modular products suit […]

FM 认可的冷却塔如何帮助降低风险

Certification helps prevent long-term losses from possible structural damage and interruption of business




Cooling towers and heat exchangers address the special cooling requirements of refineries and chemical process plants


Industries that require process heat rejection often use field-erected cooling towers to keep pace with their heat load. Cooling

关于冷却塔用水的 5 个常见问题
Marley® 的第一个百年已成历史,下一个世纪将迎来强劲开端

This year marked a century for the world-renowned evaporative cooling tower brand, Marley. And after 100 years, the Marley® brand and the company that produces and services the well-known products, SPX Cooling Tech, show no signs of slowing down. With new leadership, cutting-edge innovations and exciting projects, the business continues to push the cooling tower […]


When it comes to your cooling system, its most common to find galvanized or stainless-steel components in and around your cooling tower or fluid cooler. But when it comes to closed-loop cooling towers, or fluid coolers, some manufacturers incorporate copper coils into their units. This less-common metal (for evaporative cooling, at least) offers a long […]


If you’ve noticed a drop in performance, have been experiencing continuous issues or making frequent repairs to your fluid cooler, it may be time to replace your unit. But, with so many options available now, choosing the right fluid cooler for your heat rejection needs is no easy task. Regardless of what you’re cooling in […]

SPX Cooling 与 Marley® 百年庆典一起庆祝百年酷炫

It’s not every day you get to celebrate a 100-year anniversary. But on May 18, 2022, SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc. did just that, commemorating a century of Marley products at a once-in-a-lifetime celebration at the Marriott hotel in Overland Park, Kansas.   The centennial celebration was packed to the walls with former and current Marley […]

新型 Aero-X™ 盘管技术扩大了 Marley® DT 流体冷却器的干式操作灵活性

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers, fluid coolers and related equipment, has incorporated new proprietary Aero-X coil technology into its induced-draft, closed-circuit DT Fluid Coolers. The Aero-X tube profile maximizes thermal capacity per coil row thanks to the lowest […]

NET Power 距离 2023 年目标更近一步

In April 2019, we reported on the innovative work performed at the LaPorte, TX demonstration natural gas power plant and testing facility owned and operated by NET Power, LLC, a Durham NC based energy group. The 50 MW power plant, which uses Marley NC® Cooling Towers, achieved first-fire of the world’s first large-scale supercritical carbon […]


An emerging “middle class” means the demands for air conditioning and the people who make AC possible are growing dramatically. The global middle class has nearly doubled in size over the past decade, with an estimated 3.2 billion people by 2020 and 4.9 billion by 2030. With affluence comes the desire for more creature comforts, […]


Are you confident your cooling tower fan performance measurements are accurate? The most reliable tests are conducted in a lab test cell under controlled conditions using precision instruments. Field-conducted air flow tests can be impacted by several factors, including the number and locations of air velocity readings, inlet/outlet obstructions unique to the installation, and static […]


Third-party sound testing is essential to verifying noise levels because published sound data are often confusing and can mislead product specifiers and end users. Urban and industrial development continues to increase around the globe, leading to a growing number of noise control regulations. In response, building designers and owners strive to be “good corporate citizens” […]


Historically, power plants have accounted for a significant amount of our carbon emissions. But, could it be possible for power plants to capture all of their carbon emissions economically? NET Power says it is, and with no extra cost attached. The company’s idea for capturing and utilizing the carbon dioxide from combustion could revolutionize the […]


A handful of power transmission technologies are available for cooling towers and each has advantages and disadvantages. Gear drives are used commonly across all cooling tower power levels, offering high efficiency (near 96%), moderate initial cost and low lifetime operating costs. Because the gears are protected by thick, casted shells, gear drives are well suited to […]

寒冷天气下操作冷却塔时应遵循的 5 条规则

When operating cooling towers in subfreezing temperatures, avoid complications by following these 5 principles: 1. Always maintain a heat load. Without a heat load, water flowing through the tower will equalize at the air wet-bulb temperature and form ice. Excessive ice can impede airflow and damage the fill. 2. Maintain the tower’s water flow rate […]


Engineers must choose from a variety of stainless steel types when configuring a package cooling tower. Type 301L stainless steel (SS), Type 304 SS, even Type 316 SS may be selectable options for tower structure and components, including cold water basins, when additional corrosion protection beyond galvanized steel is desired. Understanding the different material attributes […]


Many service contractors and cooling tower owners take a “squeaky wheel” approach when it comes to maintenance and repair. They replace a component only after it breaks, or they perform a repair when a component failure is imminent. How can service providers provide more value? Take a proactive approach to maintaining cooling towers. Diagnosing maintenance […]


Used in combination with chillers to provide comfort cooling in large residential, commercial and industrial buildings, or as a direct cooling system for industrial processes, cooling towers are important components of many heat removal systems. As a result, downtime or outages due to unplanned maintenance issues or damage from external factors can be costly. Events […]


In this blog, we’ve discussed how equipment generating sound can pose significant challenges for communities and businesses, and we outlined steps to reduce sound. Sound reduction is, of course, one of the leading initiatives among cooling tower owners to improve community relations. What’s another notable way to be a good neighbor? Plume abatement. Under certain […]


Noise issues from heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment are a big challenge for communities and businesses. Government and industry are faced with increasingly stringent and strictly enforced noise regulations. While a concern anywhere, some applications pose greater noise challenges, including medical facilities, universities, office buildings, hotels and residential areas. For applications where sound […]

SPX Cooling 推出全新绝热冷却系列产品 OlympusV™

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Tech, LLC, a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers, fluid coolers and more, has introduced OlympusV™ (pronounced o-lym-pus-vee) Adiabatic Systems, a series of adiabatic cooling products designed to provide a flexible cooling solution for operators and engineers of commercial refrigeration, industrial refrigeration, […]

SPX Cooling 宣布在密苏里州斯普林菲尔德开设新的 Marley® 制造工厂

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Tech, LLC, a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers and fluid coolers, has announced the opening of a new manufacturing facility in Springfield, Missouri, that will expand the company’s capacity, while also allowing current operations to further optimize their legacy Marley® brand […]

SPX Technologies 宣布收购 TAMCO

Expands Position in Engineered Air Movement; Accretive to HVAC Segment Growth and Margin

SPX 冷却系统推出节水优化系统 Marley® WaterGard™

Introducing the Marley® WaterGard™, a water usage optimizer and filtration system that helps reduce wastewater and overall water usage on packaged evaporative cooling products.

SPX Cooling 任命 Sean McClenaghan 为全球制冷业务总裁

Overland Park, Kan. – On Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022, SPX Technologies, Inc. (“SPX Technologies”) announced the appointment of Sean McClenaghan as President, Global Cooling and an Executive Officer of SPX Technologies. As President, McClenaghan will lead the team at SPX Cooling Tech, LLC, a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative […]

SPX Cooling 推出带有触摸屏 HMI 和高效操作模式的直观控制面板

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Tech, LLC, a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers and air-cooled heat exchangers, has introduced the Marley® CoolBoost™ Opti FC Control Panel, a new and intuitive control system designed for Marley MH and DT fluid cooler models. CoolBoost Opti FC gives users […]

SPX 宣布收购 Cincinnati Fan,以打造 HVAC 全球制冷平台

Approximate Annual Revenue of $60-70 million;
Attractive Potential for Further Expansion in Engineered Air Quality

新型 Marley® MH 流体冷却器型号扩大了应用灵活性

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies Inc. has released details of its expanded MH Fluid Cooler line, designed to meet an even more diverse range of applications. The MH Fluid Cooler is now available with three coil materials, each delivering its own advantages. The most recent innovation, the MH Element™ Fluid Cooler, is equipped […]

SPX 宣布任命 Ankush Kumar 为执行官兼全球制冷业务负责人

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Oct. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SPX Corporation (NYSE:SPXC) today announced that Ankush Kumar, who joined the company in 2018 as President of the company’s HVAC Cooling business, has been appointed as an Executive Officer of the company. Mr. Kumar will also now assume leadership for SPX’s Process Cooling organization, giving him responsibility for all Cooling operations globally. “Ankush is […]

Marley® NC Everest® 冷却塔荣获 2020 年关键任务顶级产品奖

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of cooling towers and other specialized heat exchangers, received Mission Critical Magazine’s Top Tier Product Award for its Marley NC Everest Cooling Tower, which was recognized in the HVAC Systems category. “Choosing between the best of the […]

SPX 冷却技术推出有关蒸发冷却主题的全新网络研讨会系列

Certificates of Completion can be used toward continuing education credit Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers, has announced its live Zoom webinar schedule for the fourth quarter of 2020 as part of its ongoing series. Engineers, mechanical contractors and […]

SPX 冷却技术公司推出 SGS 品牌 IEC 蒸发式冷凝器

For Industrial Refrigeration Applications Using Ammonia Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of specialized heat exchangers, introduces the SGS brand IEC evaporative condenser, a blow-through condensing unit for industrial refrigeration applications, specifically designed and built to simplify installation for contractors and provide robust […]

SPX 冷却技术公司宣布推出 SGS PC 系列工业蒸发器

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers and air-cooled heat exchangers, announces the SGS PC Series Industrial Evaporator, an airside product for industrial refrigeration. SGS Refrigeration, Inc. was acquired by SPX Cooling Technologies in 2019. The PC Series Evaporator supports […]

新型 Marley® BasinGard™ 过滤器为工厂组装的横流冷却塔提供分配系统过滤

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers and air-cooled heat exchangers, introduces the Marley BasinGard Filter as part of its MarleyGard Water Management and Tower Protection Tools, available for new and existing factory-assembled, crossflow cooling towers. The BasinGard Filter maintains […]

新型 Marley® MH Element™ 流体冷却器具有更高的效率、出色的传热性和耐腐蚀性

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers and air-cooled heat exchangers, introduces its new Marley MH Element Fluid Cooler, an induced-draft, crossflow closed-circuit cooling tower suitable for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), industrial and process cooling applications. Because of […]

SPX Cooling Tech 将在 2020 年 AHR Expo® 上推出 Marley® MH Element™ 流体冷却器并举办 Marley School of Cool™ 课程

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers and air-cooled heat exchangers, will feature new products and present educational sessions in Booth #3101 at the International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Exposition (AHR Expo). AHR Expo takes place from Feb. 3-5, 2020, at […]

SPX 宣布收购 SGS Refrigeration Inc.

SGS is a manufacturer and distributor of industrial refrigeration products in the North American market.

SPX 冷却技术推出新视频系列“如何安装 Marley NC 冷却塔”

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of cooling towers and other specialized heat exchangers, announces a new, continuing video series covering best practices for installing the MarleyNC Cooling Tower. The first four episodes are now available, with additional installments to publish in the […]

Marley NC Everest 冷却塔被评为 2019 年度环保领袖产品

Annual program recognizes the

SPX 冷却技术公司将展示冷却塔组件的移动展示预告片

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers and air-cooled heat exchangers, will showcase its mobile display trailer with displays of field-erected cooling tower components during the upcoming Fuel Ethanol Workshop, June 10-12, 2019, at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis. […]

Marley MBX EZ Pack Fill 荣获《工厂工程杂志》2018 年度产品奖

Overland Park, Kan. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of cooling towers and other specialized heat exchangers, announces Marley® MBX EZ Pack Fill has been selected as a winner of Plant Engineering magazine’s Product of the Year (POY) awards in the Maintenance Tools and Equipment category. […]

SPX 冷却技术推出带翅片盘管的 Marley DT 流体冷却器,以提高干式容量

The new Marley DT Fluid Cooler models incorporate finned coils that expand thermal performance and permit dry operation

SPX 冷却技术公司推出新型冷却塔控制面板,实现高效运行

The new control panels simplify cooling tower installation, operation and data collection.

SPX 冷却技术公司推出最新冷却塔创新技术并开设冷却学校

Visit Booth B1415 to see the new

马利 NC 玻璃纤维冷却塔具有耐腐蚀和易于维护的特点

Tower design incorporates…

新视频比较了 Marley NC 冷却塔的物理尺寸和容量

Overland Park, Kansas. – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling towers and air-cooled heat exchangers, announces the release of an informational video that describes the differences in size and capacity between three Marley® NC® cooling tower model platforms: the Marley NC8407 – a single-story […]

SPX 冷却技术在 POWER-GEN 展会上展示最新的冷却塔和组件创新

Visit Booth #1953 to see Marley® modular cooling towers

SPX 冷却技术公司宣布价格调整

Overland Park, KS – SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., a full-line, full-service industry leader in the design and manufacture of e

全新、容量更高的 Marley MD Everest 模块化逆流冷却塔可实现工艺……

Larger sizes with greater flow rates meet more process cooling demands and offer 60 percent faster delivery, 80 percent faster i

新型、更大的 Marley MD Everest 冷却塔型号可提供几乎三倍的冷却能力……

Large HVAC operations benefit from increased cooling capacity per cell and modular design reducing installation costs

SPX 冷却技术公司将在 Mech 展会上重点展示售后冷却塔组件和培训

See Marley cooling tower replacement parts and contractor training information at booth #26


By specifying a new Marley® MH Element™ Fluid Cooler, Letsos Company provided a more efficient, more sustainable alternative

Graco Mechanical 在一个周末内使用 Marley 冷却塔升级休斯顿高层建筑

Installing a cooling tower on a roof of any height is never an easy task. Graco Mechanical was called on to disassemble an old wooden cooling tower and replace it with a new one for the Lyric Tower, a 26-story modern office tower in the theatre district of downtown Houston.


Global populations are dependent on cooling and refrigeration to support many types of manufacturing and energy production processes.


A new Central Heat and Refrigeration Plant (CHRP) at MDW provides more efficient comfort cooling to the passenger airport experience while operating with more efficient equipment, including Marley® NC Everest® Cooling Towers. The goal was to maintain the plant’s robustness and reliability to provide peak cooling capacity even during several equipment failure modes. https://coolingbestpractices.com/system-assessments/chillers/modernization-chicago-midway-international-airport-central-heating-and


Stephen Andrew 重点介绍了工厂组装(封装)冷却塔意外停机后的启动最佳实践和检查指导。在此处阅读文章:

LEED 问答:节能节水的蒸发冷却策略

与 SPX 冷却技术公司内部和外部的工程师和冷却塔专家进行的问答会议揭示了冷却塔如何为 LEED 项目和其他可持续发展计划的成功做出贡献。


SPX Cooling Technologies 对工程师和冷却塔专家进行了调查,以了解蒸发冷却解决方案如何为 LEED 和可持续发展计划做出贡献。https://meconstructionnews.com/43324/43324




Cooling towers can use several power transmission technologies, for example, gear drives, belt drives, direct drives, or electronically commutated (EC) drives. The proper selection strikes an appropriate balance of initial cost versus operating costs. https://www.controlsdrivesautomation.com/initial-cost-versus-lifetime-cost


Jerome Jennings 在《工艺冷却》杂志中概述了常见的痛点和齿轮传动解决方案,帮助缓解维护和服务问题。https://www.process-cooling.com/articles/89749-cooling-tower-gearbox-tips


The efficient-to-install Marley MD Everest and NC Everest Cooling Towers expand cooling capacity compared to typical single-cell, factory-assembled cooling towers. For more info on these modular systems and energy savings, read our article in Environmental Leader. Sponsored Article: Modular Cooling Tower Technology Gains Traction with Building Owners and Energy Managers

IFS 在不影响政府办公的情况下更换了冷却塔

The Mechanical Contractors Association published our case study with SPX rep Midwest Machinery and HVAC contractor Integrated Facilities Services, which highlights an award-winning project for a St. Louis County government building that remained operational through a time-efficient Marley NC Cooling Tower installation. IFS Replaces Cooling Towers Without Disrupting Government Offices


In this article, originally published in the First Energy Generation Online newsletter, read how the SPX Cooling reconstruction team helped First Energy extend cooling tower life at Fort Martin Power Station. /library/detail/natural-draft-cooling-tower-ring-replacement-profile

LEED 认证:节能节水的蒸发冷却策略

UK-based magazine ACR News published our Q&A article, surveying engineers and design experts, that explains how cooling towers can contribute to successful LEED projects and other sustainability initiatives.


SPX 的 Robert Swafford 和 Digitrol 的 David McDaniel 概述了预防性维护的重要性并提供了冷却塔检查技巧。https://www.manufacturing.net/article/2018/10/maintain-cooling-towers-minimize-equipment-or-component-failure


This article, published by SPX staff via Engineering.com, explores five different controls options that prevent damage to cooling tower components caused by excessive vibration. https://www.engineering.com/AdvancedManufacturing/ArticleID/17887/Vibration-Management-Five-Options-for-Monitoring-and-Protecting-Cooling-Tower-Components.aspx


Belt Drive, Gear Drive or Direct Drive? Jerome Jennings discusses first cost versus operating costs in Power Transmission Engineering. Cooling Tower Components: Pros and Cons


Mark Pfeifer authored this article in Process Cooling magazine recommending practices for operating cooling towers in frigid temperatures. http://digitaladmin.bnpmedia.com/publication/?m=&l=1&i=518755&p=30&ver=html5

Herman Goldner 使用 SPX 冷却塔降低成本并提高效率

MCAA Smart Solutions recognizes that careful collaboration between SPX Cooling, Herman Goldner (mechanical contractor), Dyna-Tech Corporation (rep firm), Erickson Inc. (helicopter) and others made for a successful cooling tower installation in a high-traffic area. Herman Goldner Keeps Costs Low and Efficiency High with SPX Cooling Tower


In Chiller and Cooling Best Practices, Glenn Brenneke outlines ways SPX Cooling uses customer feedback and its industry network to identify new product opportunities.


Many oil and gas refineries and other process cooling facilities use cooling towers that are approaching the end of their service life. Our article in Oil & Gas Product News helps you explore options to determine the most suitable cooling solution.

Crossflow vs Counterflow Towers