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Fill Repack Capabilities

Brochures, Library
As cooling towers age and thermal performance declines, many power plants rely on our decades of experience to execute fill repack projects – from design and planning to installation and maintenance.

LLC+u bms ultrasonic water level control User Manual

Library, Manuals
The Marley LLC+u+bms sensor is used to monitor water level in the cold water basin of a cooling tower cell using a non-contact ultrasonic sensor mounted on a stilling chamber. The sensor provides a 4-20mA continuous signal back to a BMS where alarming and controls are provided by the BMS.

VFD 4X control panel User Manual

Library, Manuals
The Marley 4X package is provided with a VFD enclosed in a water tight NEMA 4X stainless steel enclosure. Since VFDs natrualy generate heat, a closed loop type air conditioner is provided to evacuate the internal generated heat.

LLC+u IOM user manual

Library, Manuals
The LLC+u water level control system consists of an ultrasonic sensor placed to measure the water level in the cold water basin.