Cooling Tower Videos
Marley WaterGard Cooling Tower Filter
WaterGard physically blocks and rejects minerals commonly found in municipal water streams, reducing makeup water mineral content and enabling higher operating COC, resulting in reduced volume requirements for both blowdown and supply water.
Introducing CoolSpec™ Cooling Tower Product Selector
CoolSpec™ Selection Software is a new, intuitive tool that compares and selects Marley® and Recold® brand evaporative cooling products.
Introducing The Marley MH Element™ Fluid Cooler
The popular Marley MH Fluid Cooler line has expanded to include additional models. The Marley MH Element™ Fluid Cooler with the addition of copper coils provides the greatest efficiency per footprint.
Introducing SGS Industrial Evaporative Condenser
Answering your need for a quality industrial evaporative condenser, count on the new SGS Industrial Evaporative Condenser to be precision engineered and carefully manufactured.
Marley FIT Cooling Tower Selection Software
Our new Marley FIT air delivery selection software takes into consideration the relationship among all cooling tower mechanical system components to recommend a complete system.
Marley Cooling Tower Advanced Basin Heater (ABH)
The Marley ABH (Advanced Basin Heater) Control Panel controls on/off operation of the cold water basin heater(s) and prevents freezing in cold environments. Watch a Marley Expert discuss the features, benefits and operation of the Marley Advanced Basin Heater cooling tower control panel.
Marley DT Fluid Cooler
Take a look at the Marley DT Fluid Cooler, now with a new finned coil option for expanded dry capacity and thermal performance!
Marley® NC® Cooling Tower Series – Size/Capacity Comparison
Just how big is a Marley NC Everest cooling tower compared to other Marley NC cooling tower models? Take a look at the differences between Marley NC8407, the Marley NC8414 and the Marley NC8422 cooling towers!
Crossflow Vs. Counterflow Cooling Towers
What is the difference between a crossflow and a counterflow cooling tower? SPX Cooling Tech demonstrates the differences and advantages of each design.
Marley® HC Cooling Tower Flow Control Valves
Marley® HC valves provide a low discharge velocity and confine splash, resulting in low pressure drop. Learn more about how they impact your cooling tower performance here:
Marley® Cooling Tower Integral Louvers
What are integral louvers, and what difference do they make in the operation, cost and performance of your cooling tower? Watch as we discuss the advantages.
Cooling Tower Gear Drives Vs. Belt Drives
Some cooling towers power their fans with belt drives, and some use gear drives. But which is better for your application? In this video, we discuss the benefits of using a Marley Geareducer gear drive over a belt drive in your cooling tower.
Marley Parts Vodcast 1 of 3: Geareducer
Jerome Jennings from Marley / SPX Cooling Tech. explains the benefits of using a genuine Marley Geareducer gearbox (Marley Parts Vodcast Part 1 of 3).
Marley Parts Vodcast 2 of 3: Driveshafts
Jerome Jennings from Marley / SPX Cooling Technologies explains the benefits of using a genuine Marley driveshaft (Marley Parts Vodcast Part 2 of 3).
Marley Parts Vodcast 3 of 3: Fan Blades
Jerome Jennings from Marley / SPX Cooling Technologies explains the benefits of using genuine Marley Fan Blades (Marley Parts Vodcast Part 3 of 3).
Marley NS Cooling Tower Spray System Overview
Marley NS counterflow nozzles develop uniform water distribution over a wide range of operating water pressures, and NS counterflow nozzles have no internal parts or narrow passageways to get clogged with debris.
Marley ST Nozzle and Cup System
The Marley Spiral Target nozzle and cup system is an injection molded polypropylene unit consisting of two parts — the main body with integral target diffuser and a snap-on insert or orifice cap. Watch here to learn more.
Marley MH Fluid Cooler
The popular Marley MH Fluid Cooler line has expanded to include additional models, all capable of incorporating copper coils for increased thermal capacity. Watch a quick product overview here.
Marley Cooling Tower Mechanical Float System
What are the advantages to a Marley Mechanical Float System? Why would your cooling tower benefit from a float system? Learn more by watching.
Marley MD Cooling Tower Overview
The Marley MD is a factory-assembled, counterflow cooling tower. For many HVAC and light industrial applications, this design requires less plan area and offers greater site placement flexibility than a comparable crossflow cooling tower.
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