Used in combination with chillers to provide comfort cooling in large residential, commercial and industrial buildings, or as a direct cooling system for industrial processes, cooling towers are important components of many heat removal systems. As a result, downtime or outages due to unplanned maintenance issues or damage from external factors can be costly. Events including liquid/water damage, wind and hail damage, equipment breakdown, fire, and collapse can all cause significant, costly interruptions to cooling tower operation.
While fire is a serious concern, other natural hazards also present significant threats. Wind and hail, in fact, accounted for 67 percent of total loss value in a recent 10-year study conducted by FM Global. It is important to select cooling systems carefully and consider the latest research when it comes to anticipating dangers and avoiding damage and expensive downtime.
An article on www.fmapprovals.com regarding the vulnerability of cooling towers to losses provides additional insights. http://www.fmapprovals.com/product-alerts-and-news-events/approved-product-news/approved-product-news-recent-issues/2017/apn-volume-33-issue-1/cooling-towers.